Head of Delegation of the Supreme Leader in Universities: Employment statistics of graduates of the Technical and Vocational College are promising.

30 May 2019 | 17:06 Code : 764 News
Hojatoleslam Dear Dr. Mostafa Rostami, Head of the Institute for the Representation of the Supreme Leader in the Universities, in order to familiarize with the mission and perspectives of the Technical and Vocational University as a Skill-based University, today, Sunday from the Faculty of Engineering and Vocational The girls visited Dr. Shariati on behalf of the university.

At the meeting in the council room of the faculty of Hojatoleslam, Dr. Mustafa Rostami, the head of the institution representing the Supreme Leader of the Universities, at the beginning of his speech, saying that the output of the technical and vocational school is promising, stated: The university should guide and guide students to continue their lives, and not just study and study, as at present, the reputable universities of the country's education system are in a good level in the field of science, but are weak in other sectors.

"One fact that should not be neglected is that, besides technical and skill acquisition, students need additional skills, as well as the University of Student Education and Training Environments," he said, pointing out one of the serious approaches ahead. It is a skill and this is where the question arises is who should prepare a student for life. If the educational system does not cultivate itself as a civic educator, capital formation will occur and will be when we face a generation that ignores the values.
Hojjatoleslam Rustami stated: Of course, what we see on the scene is a lot of success, but in the capital management scene, we face a lot of neglect. Because in different events in the country, we see the presence of student youth and spontaneous jihad, who are pushing for their government to help and help, and this is very valuable and a kind of skill.
The head of the institution of the Supreme Leader's Representation at the Universities said that the system of domination for planning the Islamic Republic of Iran is planning and striving: the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, because of its identity with the whole identity of the West which is non-monotheistic in Controversy, therefore, imposes a variety of hardships on us, and on the other side, for 40 years, this system has resisted and powerful, to the point where the fastest growing scientific and exacting technologies of the day, with all the limitations and hostility Has had.
He said that the advantages of the technical and vocational college are that students learn skills with knowledge and hope for the future because they can easily enter the job market. Also, the non-complexity of the university's teaching centers makes it easier to manage and make students more and more comfortable learning.
Hojjatoleslam Rostami pointed out: "In this university space, which is faced with doubts and destruction of beliefs in cyberspace, the last trench and the first trench is the educational pedagogues, and in this regard, your ideas will be the light of our way. And, according to the Supreme Leader's statement, work without knowledge is ineffective, but science is ineffective, and I hope we can walk in the direction of acquiring knowledge with knowledge and knowledge.
At the end of his speech, a complete report was made of the capacities, perspectives and requirements of the technical and vocational university, and presented to a supreme leader with an accurate and real bachelor who would provide an opportunity to meet and meet the Supreme Leader and the Technical University. Professionals provided.
It is worth noting that a number of professors and representatives of students and student organizations, views, opinions and suggestions were presented at this meeting.
Hojatoleslam, Dr. Dr. Mostafa Rostami, visited the workshops and educational spaces of the faculty after the pilgrimage of the anonymous martyrs of Dr. Shariati's School, and became acquainted closely with the activities and activities of the university.

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