Textile and Clothing Manufacturers at Dr. Shariati College

30 May 2019 | 17:17 Code : 768 News
Meeting of textile and clothing industry activists with the officials of the Shariati College for co-opting and synergizing and benefiting from the views of the textile and clothing industry and designers of clothes to hold the best and most fruitful third national fashion festival with national designers, The industrial units and textile and clothing manufacturers, including Yazd textile fabric factory, Merinous Kerman, Jamin Jameh Co., designer of Zagar and Dobby fabrics, were held on Wednesday, May 8, 1998 in Shariati College Council Room.

In the beginning, the engineer of the round, the head of the faculty of Dr. Shariati, welcomed and appreciated the presence of industrial units, introduced the university and said: The technical and vocational school moves towards students' learning skills, with graduated students with paws Efficiently educate people to be useful and effective for themselves and the community.
He added: "All of our efforts are to familiarize students with the real needs of the industry, which we need to support and help your loved ones in this way, because you can provide us with the weaknesses of students in your internship and your need in the labor market." And I hope that this session will be an introduction to our next communications.
The head of the faculty, arguing that our goal is not just to hold a festival, stated: "In fact, we are holding these festivals, windows and horizons for the future, and we want to prove that the university is next to the industry." So your ideas and ideas are very valuable and helpful to the students.
"At the end of our speech, the engineer said," We will start with the lessons of entrepreneurship and marketing for students, workshops Creativity and innovation. Now, with enthusiastic and motivated students, there is plenty of potential that we need to take to get you right in the next steps, and I hope that we will strive for the fourth fashion festival.
In addition, designers, specialists and representatives of industrial and industrial units introduced their ideas, suggestions and solutions to improve the relationship between industry and the university, as well as discuss the challenges and problems of this field both at the university and in the industry. .
It is worth mentioning that the third National Student Festival of Fashion and Clothing aims to enhance the level of practical and scientific coverage of various strata of the society through the design, production and presentation of suitable clothing by graduates and creative and thoughtful students, creating a communication space between those interested in the field and industrial centers And production and business market, introduce graduates and creative students to society as well as prepare a suitable hospital for entrepreneurship hosted by Shariati girls' technical and vocational faculty from June 20 to June 25, 1998.
Then, experts, experts and experts from the industrial and industrial production and apparel departments visited the works of the festival.

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