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Textile and Clothing Manufacturers at Dr. Shariati College
Meeting of textile and clothing industry activists with the officials of the Shariati College for co-opting and synergizing and benefiting from the views of the textile and clothing industry and designers of clothes to hold the best and most fruitful third national fashion festival with national designers, The industrial units and textile and clothing manufacturers, including Yazd textile fabric factory, Merinous Kerman, Jamin Jameh Co., designer of Zagar and Dobby fabrics, were held on Wednesday, May 8, 1998 in Shariati College Council Room.
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The first joint conference of art and architecture was held with the attendance and speeches of Professor Mahmoud Golabchi Gallery
The first joint conference of art and architecture with the attendance and speeches of Professor Mahmoud Golabchi, professor of the University of Tehran, was the permanent face of the Islamic Republic in architecture and art and with the architectural chair at UNESCO.
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Online Art Talk with Master Mahnaz Torabian Modares Designer and Sewing Student at Shariati College
Mahnaz Torabian: Objectives are lost in universities / Schools interact to enter the labor market / Student study of fashion and clothing from existential philosophy to the problems of the academic system
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Head of Delegation of the Supreme Leader in Universities: Employment statistics of graduates of the Technical and Vocational College are promising.
Hojatoleslam Dear Dr. Mostafa Rostami, Head of the Institute for the Representation of the Supreme Leader in the Universities, in order to familiarize with the mission and perspectives of the Technical and Vocational University as a Skill-based University, today, Sunday from the Faculty of Engineering and Vocational The girls visited Dr. Shariati on behalf of the university.
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